Leigh-Hi's Jungle Girl TKA, ATD, VHMP, RN, ACT1, ACT2J, SSB, OA, OAJ, AXP, MJP, BID, XFP, SSN, BCAT, VT, BTC24, O-H, 20:1, O-BB, O-B, SOR24, DO-24
Date of Birth 2/2/20 • Height 14.5"
**News Flash** Bindi became one of the first puppies to earn AKC's new Virtual Home Manners Puppy title.
Bindi is my newest versatility prospect! She was bred by Kristi Walker, Leigh-Hi's shelties in Michigan and I can't thank her enough for sending this incredible girl my way,
Bindi is extremely smart and athletic and will do anything for food. She had good drive and biddability but also an "off" switch. This moderate girl has a solid body that will go far in both conformation and performance. Not to mention she has beautiful sheltie type. We can't wait to see where our journey leads.
Bindi has trained/competed in conformation, trick dog, rally, FastCAT, and nose work but what she was born to do was agility. She absolutely loves it and it is "her" sport of preference.
Bindi handles unlike any dog I have had before. She has some amazing skills for a young dog but it took me a little while to figure out timing of my cues with her because she is so driven and locks onto things early yet can turn on a dime. She is not a "push button" dog but running her is a thrill. We are either really on or wheels go everywhere. It's kind of like driving a sports car on ice. Did I mention she can move lol. We are starting to come more into our own and I am very excited to see where 2024 brings us.
Sire: GCH Leigh-Hi's All Shook Up
Dam: Leigh-Hi's Cardi B
2020 - 2024 Titles & Special Accomplishments
Date - Title/Accomplishment
10/19/24 - Master Excellent JWW Preferred (MJP)
9/7/24 - Excellent FAST (XFP)
4/11/24 - Dog Olympics (D0-24)
4/10/24 - Summer of Ruff 24 (SOR24)
4/6/24 - Balls (O-B)
4/2/24 - Balance Beam (0-BB)
2/17/24 - Open FAST Preferred (OFP)
1/30/24 20 Tricks with 1 Prop (20:1)
1/28/25 - Agility Excellent Preferred (AXP)
1/15/24 - HOOPS (O-H)
12/16/23 Speedstakes Novice (SSN)
12/6/23 - Beat the Clock 24 seconds (BTC24)
7/1/23 - Novice FAST Preferred (NFP)
6/25/23 - Excellent Agility Jumpers With Weaves “A” Preferred (AJP)
6/10/23 - Beginner International Dog (BID)
11/13/22 - Versatility Title (VT)
10/28/22 - Open Agility Jumper (OAJ)
9/24/22 - Open Agility (OA)
8/21/22 - BCAT
6/25/22 - Novice Agility Jumper (NAJ)
6/24/22 - Novice Agility (NA)
5/14/22 - Speedstakes Beginner (SSB)
3/25/22 - Rally Novice (RN)
10/25/21 - Agility Course Test (ACT1)
6/18/21 - Agility Course Test 2 Jumpers (ACT2J)
5/24/21 - Agility Course Test 1 Jumpers (ACT1J)
2/19/21 - Trick Dog Advanced (TKA)
1/28/21 - Advanced Trick Dog (ATD)
11/28/20 - Trick Dog Intermediate (TKI)
11/9/20 - Intermediate Trick Dog (ITD)
11/4/20 - Virtual Home Manners Puppy (VHMP)
5/18/20 - Trick Dog Novice (TKN)
4/27/20 - Novice Trick Dog (NTD)
Bindi Performance Pictures

Thank you to Sarah Kurtz Photography for the awesome action shots in Bindi's page header!